WordPress database error: [Table '3w7p9itsec_log' already exists]
CREATE TABLE 3w7p9itsec_log ( log_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, log_type varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', log_function varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', log_priority int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, log_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', log_date_gmt datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', log_host varchar(40), log_username varchar(60), log_user bigint(20) UNSIGNED, log_url varchar(255), log_referrer varchar(255), log_data longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (log_id), KEY log_type (log_type), KEY log_date_gmt (log_date_gmt) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci

WordPress database error: [Table './aerosp36_acep162/3w7p9itsec_log' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed]
INSERT INTO `3w7p9itsec_log` (`log_type`, `log_priority`, `log_function`, `log_date`, `log_date_gmt`, `log_host`, `log_username`, `log_user`, `log_url`, `log_referrer`, `log_data`) VALUES ('backup', 3, 'Database Backup Executed', '2024-10-18 13:41:29', '2024-10-18 05:41:29', '', '', '0', '', '', 'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:\"status\";s:7:\"Success\";s:7:\"details\";s:28:\"emailed to backup recipients\";}}')

Career - Aerospace Partners Engineering Sdn. Bhd.


aerospace partners engineering career

Aerospace Partners Engineering Sdn Bhd engaged in the attraction and retention of talented people.

We value every employee’s dedication and commitment and embrace the importance of ensuring the right skills, capabilities and improved capacity is sustainable in the long-term by helping our employees excel in achieving their desired potential.

Aerospace Partners Engineering Sdn Bhd is committed towards working with our customers to suit their every need. We aim to create a working environment that attracts and retains the most talented people, enabling them to reach their full potential.

Employment equity also remains a priority on our transformation agenda. Hiring the best skilled individual in the industry is vital to the achievements and sustainability of our company. It is through our staff that we realise our aspirations and deliver on our strategic goals and objectives.

Current Vacancy:

  1. CNC Milling Machinist (Posted on 10 Dec 2020)
  2. Intern for HR & Accounts (Posted on 16 Feb 2021)

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